
How to split phone numbers in Excel with Example Download

How to split phone numbers in Microsoft Excel with Example Download and Video

When you have multiple phone numbers in one cell, it is good idea to split it into different column which is easy to manage later on. We can use text functions like Left, Mid, Right, Len and Find to split it in Microsoft Excel.

LEFT formula in Excel

LEFT returns character(s) in a text string from the left position, base on number you specify. Detail how use left fuction in excel, please refer to the video below.
=LEFT(text, [num_chars])
◾ text: Required, string you want to extract text from.
◾ [num_chars]: optional, number of characters you want to get from the left.

RIGHT formula in Excel

RIGHT returns character(s) in a text string from the right position, base on number you specify.
=RIGHT(text, [num_chars])
◾ text: Required, string you want to extract text from.
◾ [num_chars]: optional, number of characters you want to get from the right.

MID formula in Excel

MID returns character(s) in a text string with start position and number of character you specify.
=MID(text, start_num, num_chars)
◾ text: Required, string you want to extract text from.
◾ start_num: Required, start position you want to extract from.
◾ num_chars: Required, number of character you want to get and begin from start_num.

LEN formula in Excel

LEN returns the number of characters in a text string
◾ text: Required, string you want to count number of characters.

MID formula in Excel

MID returns character(s) in a text string with start position and number of character you specify.
=FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num])
◾ find_text: Required, text you want to find.
◾ within_text: Required, string contain text you want to find.
◾ [start_num]: optional, start location you want to start the search.
Watch How to split phone numbers in Excel in Excel speak Khmer


Userful links:

⚡ How to Download and Install Khmer Unicode for Windows and Mac OSX (apple)
⚡ Free ebook Download - free PDF download
⚡ Learn Excel Formulas with Video and Example Download

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